Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year

Hope you've all had a wonderful Christmas or the holiday you celebrate and a happy new year. I for one am very glad the holidays are over. I'm not a bah humbug-y type by any means but I just find the whole thing way too exhausting and the whole celebratory aspect gets lost in the rushing around to different people's homes and tensions rising and schedule's getting thrown off. I'm very much a creature of habit so I'm very eager to get back to my regularly scheduled writing program.

2011 was a great year writing wise. I had We'll Meet Again released and The Arrangement contracted by Rebel Ink Press and completed The Vendetta which I'm still shopping around. So I'm pretty happy with having achieved my goals for 2011.

Now looking forward, I think my output will be even better because there and two books left after both The Arrangement and The Vendetta as these are both the first books in completed trilogies. So that 6 books coming your way this year if I can get The Vendetta picked up! There is also my cowboy erotic historical Wanted which I'm still working on. I also have a nice stable of short steamy tales in my arsenal that I'd love to find homes for.

Maybe one more full length novel as well but I don't want to pull too much onto my plate. Let's just finish Wanted for now.

I'm so tickled that Redemption is still doing so well 3 years after its release! Especially since I know this steamy novella has been responsible for introducing readers to my other works as well.

I hope to continue writing all different kinds of books. I like mixing up the genres! WW2, mob romances, historicals, paranormals. I write the story of my heart and then worry about where it fits later.

I also want to have a look at self publishing. I have no experience or technical know-how in this area but I'm seeing it has really lost it's stigma and is on the rise and friends have gone that route and seem to be doing really well. Not sure it's the right route for me but I do think it merits some serious research.

For now though, I'll just write my books and let other people worry about all that technical stuff!

Hope you all have a fantastic new year and I'd love to hear some of your goals for 2012!