Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Spoilery Reviews: Dangerous Kiss by Jackie Collins + Mistress To Her Hus...

Reviewing Dangerous Kiss by Jackie Collins and Mistress To Her Husband by Penny Jordan (misleading title!) There be spoiling going on here so be ye warned. Subscribe for more video blogs once, sometimes twice a week!

Books discussed in this video blog:


Monday, March 14, 2016

The Totally Should've Book Tag (Spoilery)

Took forever to upload this.This week I tackle the Totally Should've Book Tag! Hope you enjoy!
Subscribe for more video blogs once, sometimes twice a week!

Books included in this video blog:

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Author E. Jamie Discusses Taking A Lazy Day And A TBR Purge

Talking about the importance of taking a lazy day and going through some books in my TBR that didn't make the cut in my last lazy day in February. Subscribe for more video blogs once, sometimes twice a week.